My friend Demetri, an electrical engineer invited me along to drinks at Fishburners on Friday. He mentioned they were having another one of their regular Friday afternoon presentation evening.

I sat. I drank. I was impressed.

Fishburners is a melting pot of talent and passion. A group of diverse skills. Software developers, mostly open source. Electrical engineers. Designers. Lawyers. Writers. Commmunicators.

Fishburners is the sort of place that gets your drunk, inspires you with awesome ideas, lure’s you in with fascinating creative projects and leaves you wanting to quit your day job and take the leap!

“Come join us! We need people just like you… We need people who are passionate about what they do. We want more people to join the Fishburner family and collectively empower the group.

Thanks guys. I’ll be back soon to find out more about the awesome work you are doing. And congrats on winning the best “#1 Creative Internet of Things Startup Business 2014” from Singtel. Enjoy your travels to Singapore and the excellent opportunities that are coming your way.

If I had the time I would really like to get involved. 2 days a week.

The Sydney Tech community is alive

I’ve been attending various dev / tech meetups in Sydney over the past few years.

One thing is loud and clear. The Sydney tech community doesn’t suck any more. It’s vibrant. 10 years ago it was different. Things are changing.